Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Saigon is a stew, a bubbling blend of sights, smells, and sounds, that create a flavor that is unique and full of mystery. Though the bicycles and Cyclos have given way to motorbikes and taxis, Saigon is constant. It is constantly moving, constantly changing. I have been here many times now and am always intrigued. No city I have been to can compare with the magic of Saigon.

It's April 29 and I have been in Saigon for three days now. Tomorrow I head up to Da Nang and meet with the director of my school as well as close the deal on renting my house. My group of vets are arriving on the fourth so I want to have this stuff taken care of before I get busy with the group.

I really haven't done much in Saigon since I am staying at a guesthouse that's a little removed from the main part of the city. I my go into town later this evening to watch the Olympic Flame pass through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Copy...Await your next "Sitrep"!