Saturday, April 12, 2008


It's Friday evening about midnight right now. Two weeks from this time I will be somewhere over the Pacific. I had dinner tonight with friends that I probably will not see again for sometime. It was a good evening.

I am in a reflective mood this evening. I suppose that is not so unusual for someone who is aware that his life is at a junction, a waypoint. It's like when I was gearing up to go to Vietnam for the first time in 1969. I try to envision what will come but only see a distant fog. It's damned exciting and a little scary at the same time. Even though I have some anxious moments, I have no doubt that I am doing the right thing. It seems my entire life has been pushing me down this path. When I look back at where I've been, what I've done, and then look at where I am, it all makes sense. I feel I am where I should be. As Don McClean wrote, "All roads lead to where I stand."

1 comment:

jimsims0417 said...

Bill, you are a very courageous man to go back to be an ambassador of great will for us Vietnam Vets. I too served with 1/3 Delta company 2nd platoons 2nd squad August of 1967 to April 19689, a heck of a bunch of men.
I want to take a minute and say I am sorry Bill to hear about your wife I am sure she would be proud of what you are doing. I will keep you in my prayers Bill and I want you to know, in spirit we are all with you. I am grateful you will share you experience with us I am a Director of a substance abuse program in Maines corrections system lot of Vietnam vets in prison Bill. I believe we are the blessed ones and you are above all carrying that blessing back, thank you Bill.
Jim Sims